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A short film directed by Kelley Van Dilla and Anto(n) Astudillo

Green Castles follows Polo in their day-to-day life while they navigate medically transitioning, looking for work, and living alone in a lonely city. Though they find caring for plants easier than caring for themselves, an elder wise woman, Tia Silvia, constantly checks in on them and helps them on their journey. Every night Polo has the same dream: that they're slowly turning into a being made of plants.


Green Castles, the first collaboration between Anto(n) Astudillo and Kelley Van Dilla, represents a deepening of friendship through exploration of shared synchronicities in their lived experiences as trans and queer filmmakers. Anto(n) and Kelley also collaborate in building trans+ community, and healing care-centered filmmaking environments. 

GREEN CASTLES is a short narrative film about transitioning, caring for ourselves, each other and the world around us." The project is co-created by Anto(n) Astudillo and Kelley Van Dilla and it is currently on the post-production stage. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING!


We are really excited to announce that GREEN CASTLES' World Premiere is this May 5th, 2024 at TILDE Melbourne Trans & Gender Diverse Film Festival.


We are so happy that this year's FESTIVAL THEME: Trans collectivism - dismantling the culture of “being the only trans and gender expansive person in the room” aligns with our ethos when coming together to make this project.

behind the scenes

working with a Trans+ and Queer crew!

Based on the lived experiences of co-writers and co-directors Anto(n) Astudillo and Kelley Van Dilla, “Green Castles” highlights the issues facing trans immigrant communities, such as income inequality, access to public health (gender-affirming care). It also presents a look at the individualized experience of the pandemic, in a world in which everyone and everything is interconnected, like plants and humans. The film also celebrates its characters, telling an uplifting story of self-realization and growth.


“Green Castles” is the first collaboration between Anto(n) and Kelley as they build a new community of trans, non-binary and queer filmmakers practicing a cinematic modality that centers interpersonal and inter-community care, health, and healing.

For our production and post-production team, we are prioritized working with Trans+, Queer and BIPOC artists! Above all, this film is a testament to collaboration between trans and queer artists in an open and safe space, and the relevance of its making also reflects the possibility of independent film-making within our communities.




Directors-Writers: Kelley Van Dilla and Anto Astudillo

Camera-DP: Ned Gaynor, Ashika Kuruvilla

Sound and AC: Ashika Kuruvilla, Iman "King" Carter

Sound, lighting & grip: Vander

Costume sculptor & Special effects artist: Annie Temmink

Make-up Artist: Julia Morgan Fox

PA & Boom Op: Iman "King" Carter

PA & BTS: Ari Smith

PA & Kraft Services: Kendall Burger

PA: Mateo Del Campo

Set Producer: Claudia Carrasco

Pre-production coordinator and storyboard: Lupe Campos

Editor: Chelsi Bullard

Colorist: Esme Smith


Anto Astudillo

Silvia Fernandez-Stein

Kelley Van Dilla



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